Property Cleanups

Save Time & Meet Your Budget

Let Exterex Look After Your Property Cleanup

Professional Property Cleanup

The typical property cleanup includes pulling weeds, trimming bushes, leaf cleanup, or spraying weeds in flowerbeds or driveway and walkway areas. We can customize your property clean up to your needs. Most of our customers have an early spring cleanup to get their property in shape for the summer and clean up winter storm debris. Then, in late fall we will do another cleanup to cut back perennials, clean up falling leaves, and get the plants and property ready for winter.
We also offer parking lot cleanups to remove any debris and garbage that may collect month to month. Spraying for weeds inside the lot included in the cleanup.

Landscaping & Lawn Care Services

Select From Our Property Services Below:

Lawn Mowing


Spider Control


Property Cleanups

Snow & Ice